나고야 근교
토호가스 가스에너지관

상세 내용
주소 |
〒476-8501 東海市新宝町507-2 |
지역 | 나고야 근교 |
TEL | +81-52-603-2527 |
FAX | +81-52-689-1629 |
개관 시간 | 10:00AM - 5:00PM (Reservation required) *Admission until 4:00PM |
휴관일 | Saturdays / public holidays (or the following day if a public or substitute holiday falls on a Sunday) / year-end and new year holidays / summer vacation / specially determined closed day |
주차장 | Parking lot for 50 regular cars Parking lot for 10 buses |
관련 링크
관광명소 검색